Prakhar Duchhoed

16th Nov 2024 - 18th Nov 2024

This annual festival is held at the Prakhar Lhakhang, in the Chumey Valley of Bumthang, which is about half an hour drive from Chamkhar town. Built in 16th century, this main village temple is located about 10 minutes’ walk from the road. It is said that Langurs helped in making this Lhakhang (temple) and humans use to carry on work during the day while the monkeys would continue the work at night, hence the name ‘Prakhar’, which means ‘White Monkey’.

The festival lasts for 3 days from the 16th to the 18th of the ninth lunar month in the Bhutanese calendar and celebrated to honor Lama Thukse Dawa, one of the sons of the 15th century Buddhist master, Terton Pema Lingpa, who was one of the greatest Buddhist masters to be ever born in Bhutan. Several kinds of mask dances are performed during the festival.

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